Breathography is a breathing method specifically developed to activate and strengthen the core, and improve respiratory components such as lung capacity and diaphragmatic strength.

Not only is strength achieved in both of these areas, but also physiological and mental enhancements through improved carbon dioxide threshhold and autonomic nervous system function.

Breathography is a choreography of posture, inhalation, and exhalation that combines strategic intensity, duration, and frequency of breathing to elicit physiological and mental benefits.

Breath becomes core, core becomes breath.

The three pillars together create the Breathography Breath Cycle.

Breathography PILLARS guides you step by step through the three pillars of Breathography:

  • ZipUp Activation

  • Engaged Inhale

  • Engaged Exhale

One you have completed Breathography PILLARS you can progress to Breathography NEXT STEPS to learn the advanced components of Breathography:

  • Breath Retentions

  • Belly Pulses

  • End Breath

  • Nasal Breathing Inter-Exercise